Sunday, December 20, 2009

lost angeles detours

Already in Los Angeles, CA for my Step 2 Clinical Skills exam and interview #8. I'm tired of traveling and am ready to go home; but I can see the light at the end of this toilet paper roll.

I enjoyed a lot of time with my family in Sacramento: a 13 year-old smarty pants and an 8 year-old sassy pants. I love those girls. We picked out a Christmas tree, ate plenty of onolicious food, played some Rock Band on the Wii, went skipping through the mall, and I watched them do some back-handsprings off the 4" balance beam. I loved my interviews and squeezed in time to have dinner with some very good girlfriends of mine (Nicolina, Angelina, Jenny, & Allison) and some very good friends (John & Marsha). I'm sorry there was not enough time to have dinner with everyone. I know I've missed out on some great parties while I've been away: Golf-themed party, Fysiotherapie and the Tacky Sweater Christmas parties. I've also missed some great parties up here while I've been interviewing: another Tacky Sweater Party and Sean's engagement party.

It's hard to remember why I am doing this sometimes since I haven't seen a real patient in a long time - only the fake ones during the CS exam. I know it'll all be worth it one day; but even now, in my fourth year, I'm missing out on so much (parties, alumni games, weddings, Mississippi, and family time).

I've very much enjoyed the time I've spent here with family and friends. Over the weekend I'm spending time with my grandmother - who I rarely see or spend much time with. We've already gone to tea with another aunt and lunch with Uncle Dick and Aunt Delores. I've seen my cousin and his new wife and my aunt and uncle who might not see me again 'til the next wedding!

And who knows where I'll end up... The MATCH (yes, usually we medical students capitalize the entire word for emphasis) is unpredictable. I've worked hard to get to this point and now it'll be out of my hands -- except for the few emails I write to programs I have high interest in, just to remind them of who I am. The point I'm trying to make is: just like the LA freeways, there's no telling where the road will turn. I've just got to learn to enjoy the detours.

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